- GQ Australia story: ‘Not Another Bitcoin Story: Steemit and Steemfest’, March 2018
- A Conversation with Maynard James Keenan of A Perfect Circle, March 2018
- Announcing my appointment as national music writer at The Australian, from January 2018
- The Weekend Australian Magazine story: ‘Lockstep With Lockie: Santiago Velasquez and his guide dog’, November 2017
- Men’s Health story: ‘Jason Momoa: “There’s Too Much Shit I Want To Do”‘, November 2017
- The Weekend Australian Magazine story: ‘Mind The Gap: Training Queensland Rail train drivers’, November 2017
- Backchannel story: ‘The Social Network Doling Out Millions in Ephemeral Money: Steemit’, October 2017
- Good Weekend story: ‘Risky Business: How a bad LSD trip taught one Sydney teenager to think twice about experimenting with drugs’, September 2017
- Bite Magazine story: ‘Here To Help: Refugee dentist Dr Hooman Baghaie’, September 2017
- The Weekend Australian Review story: ‘Sight Unseen: Audio description for blind theatregoers’, September 2017
On June 21, 2016

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