All posts tagged track-review

  • Mess+Noise track review: Oh Ye Denver Birds – ‘Walls’, June 2010

    A single review for Mess+Noise. Excerpt below.

    Oh Ye Denver Birds 'Walls' single artworkOh Ye Denver Birds – Walls

    Bear with me: this is complicated. On ‘Walls’, Brisbane indie folk quintet Oh Ye Denver Birds have buried a fundamentally simple pop song underneath many musical layers. At its core is a finger-picked acoustic guitar, a stomped bass drum, and Dominic Stephens’ voice, which sings of self-discovery and self-acceptance. This ain’t no introspective navel-gazing, though: the lyrics are pointed outward, toward the listener. The central, recurring motif suggests that “We all need time to get away from everything you love”, though the song’s title refers to the middle-eight (“All your fears have been realised/The wave will see the walls come down/Fall down”).

    Full review over at Mess+Noise, where you can also stream the song. It’s lovely. Find the band on MySpace.